Newly Released!

“Whether looking for ‘an upright piano housing giant locust-bees,’ a ‘red flock of birds to the lunar eclipse,’ or ‘loneliness of a lost horseshoe,’ look no further than the East Village’s dada surrealist, Valery Oisteanu. To be read by third eyes only.”
—Bob Holman, poet, author of
The Unspoken
“With his latest, In the Blink of a Third Eye, he has reached the heights as a performance poet extraordinaire…His poems literally jump off the page in the blink of an eye. He continues to astonish his audience…”
—Gerard Malanga, poet & photographer
“Read here NYC’s underground of distorted memories. Read here fond tributes to gone peers and world-class poetry masters, immortalized beyond their poignant memorializing. Read here poems conjured like the moon, poems which accelerate the blood, poems like bubbles of oxygen in a barren land…”
—George Wallace, Writer in residence,
Walt Whitman Birthplace