from In the Blink of a Third Eye
My head echoes the sound of vertical ice
Falling through the cracks in my windows
What you are about to hear, to endure, is
Ice crashing ice, hallucinatory avalanche
Nadja killed by Andre Breton, amour fou
A captive whale silently
Duchamp’s fetishistic mistakes lay bare
A lunatic messenger from a mutant void
Ichito-harpsichordis in need of a tuneup
Zebra-ostrich hunted by four clawed birds
Horizontal vaginas seeking square pricks
An upright piano housing giant locust-bees
The purity of intention pushing a dark abyss
A zeppelin flying against the solid darkness
Rhythmic waterfalls, streaming blue jellyfish
Chess horses chasing chestnut transparency
Captive of my scorched undiscovered landscapes
White fire escapes rising toward invisibility
A turning point encircled by magic lamps
Smoke-blackened tunnels surround shrunken heads
A convenient darkness pointing in all directions
As the knifes pierce immeasurable fear-laughter
Inconsequential, exhausted immortal unreality
Threatened by my apocalyptic visionary lethargy